Corne de brume de l’île de May

Publié par Kupaia

le 11/11/2013

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Corne de brume de l'île de May

Échelle du sujet : non renseignée


Photo prise par Jean-Marie Prival le 21 mai 2009.

Le signal sonore de la corne de brume, abandonné en 1989, était émis toutes les 150 secondes.


 May (fr) et Ile de May (en) sur Wikipedia :
"The fog signal, from two designated buildings at each end of the island, were powered by compressed air, generated from the island’s power plant in the centre of the island, and delivered by 150-millimetre (5.9 in) cast-iron pipes laid on the ground to top up a series of air tanks located adjacent to both North and South buildings. The North horn provided a single blast of 7 seconds duration every 2.1/4 minutes and the South horn provided four 2.1/2 second blasts of the same pitch every 2.1/4 minutes. The North and South horns did not blast together, being approximately 67.1/2 seconds apart. This facility was discontinued in 1989."

 Présentation du phare de Robert Stevenson sur l’île de May sur le site web Northern Lighthouse Board’s