Royal Sovereign Diaphone

Publié par Kupaia

le 12/12/2013

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Royal Sovereign Diaphone


Author this sound : The Association of Lighthouse Keepers provides a forum for everyone interested in lighthouses, lightships and aids to navigation from : Royal Sovereign Diaphone.

Fog Signal Character : 2 Blasts Every 30 Seconds, the fog signal gave uniform sound radiation and had a range of 5 miles.

Royal Sovereign lighthouse at Eastbourne is a lighthouse marking the Royal Sovereign shoal. Its distinctive shape is easily recognised as it comprises a large platform supported by a single pillar rising out of the water.

In 1971, the lighthouse replaced a light vessel which protected the Royal Sovereign Shoal since 1875. Originally, the platform was manned, accommodation being contained in the ’cabin section’, a practice which ceased in 1994 when the light was automated.

Automation is provided by Vodafone in the form of a 475MHz radio link to Trinity House.

 Royal Sovereign Lighthouse from Wikipedia
 Royal Sovereign from Trinity House
 Royal Sovereign Light Tower, history et old pictures : Lightship, lady and keeper
 The old Royal Sovereign Lightship Was Replaced by the New Royal Sovereign Light Tower. from Eastbourne guide

 Royal Sovereign Light, Film Archive
 Royal Sovereign Light Tower 1967, British Pathe, Royal Sovereign light tower replaces Royal Sovereign lightship. Trinity House. London.

old illusatrions