Lighthouse at Trevose Head

Publié par Kupaia

le 11/12/2013

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Lighthouse at Trevose Head

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Author : M J Richardson
Source : From
Date : July 1962

Lighthouse and fog signal at Trevose Head
The tower is 27 metres (89 ft) tall, and has a range of 20 nautical miles (37 km ; 23 mi), but, on a clear night, you can just spot the light from Pendeen Lighthouse, over 35 miles (56 km) away.
The fog Signal character is 2 Blasts Every 30 Seconds

More informations :
 The sound SuperTyfon Fog Signal, Trevose Head Lighthouse, Cornwall, UK (1993) from and shortwavemusic
 Trevose Head lighthouse and foghorn from Trinity house