Trevose Head Supertyphon

Publié par Kupaia

le 11/12/2013

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Trevose Head Supertyphon 1993


Trevose Head Supertyphon, two blast every 30 Seconds

Trevose Head Lighthouse
Leslie SuperTyfon Fog Signal
Padstow, Cornwall, UK
Recorded in 1993

Author this sound : The Association of Lighthouse Keepers provides a forum for everyone interested in lighthouses, lightships and aids to navigation from : Trevose Head Supertyphon.

Trevose Head lighthouse was automated in 1995, but the fog horn still sounds when visibility is poor.

In 1911 the light was to see further changes and construction of a new fog signal building took place, which was completed in 1913 to the design of lord Rayleigh, who at the time was the scientific advisor to trinity house. The new fog signal’s trumpet was hexagonal in shape and was 36 feet (11 Metres) in length, 18 feet (5 Metres) in height and was 2 feet (0.6 of a Metre) in width at its widest point - the smaller end was connected to a cylindrical turret shaped housing on top of the engine room building - the sound was audible for over 8 miles and was one of the largest fog horns to ever have been used. In 1963 the huge fog signal was replaced by a super tyfon with 8 horns. The original trumpet was held up by two supports, the foundations of which are the only visible remains of the old fog signal building and its horn, which were demolished in 1993 after being damaged by erosion of the cliff. [1] [2]

Further work was undertaken in 1911 and 1912 to modernise the keepers’ houses and construct a fog signal house — surprisingly, the lighthouse had no fog signal at the very beginning, considering how much this coast is affected by sea mist. In August 1912, the lantern was changed to a flashing red light using a 920mm first order catadioptric lens with three symmetrical panels. [3]

In 1963, the Rayleigh fog signal was replaced with a Supertyphon signal with eight horns. In 1974, the lighthouse was converted to electric power. The lantern now flashed red every 5 seconds and had a range of 40 km (25 miles). [4]

Same sound remixed
SuperTyfon Fog Signal, Trevose Head Lighthouse, Cornwall, UK (1993), post-processing by Myke Dodge Weiskopf at The Invisible Studios, Los Angeles.


[1Trevose Head Lighthouse from wikipedia

[2Trevose Head lighthouse from Trinity house

[3Trevose Head Lighthouse of Thomas and Jacob Olver from Engineering timelines

[4Trevose Head Lighthouse from Our transport heritage